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2024-2027 Strategic Priorities

Strategic Partnerships

We know that building a coordinated and connected mental health care system is only possible through meaningful relationships with hospital, community and government partners.

Key Initiative #1:

We will forge strategic partnerships with key advocacy organizations.

Key Initiative #2:

We will provide leadership support to the Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence (MHA CoE) in system planning and implementation.

Key Initiative #3:

We will meaningfully collaborate on community capacity building.

System Thought Leadership

We offer clinical and innovation expertise to guide the development of effective public policy and delivery of high-quality mental health care services for Ontarians.

Key Initiative #1:

We will bring together a standing advisory group of MHP senior leaders to advance shared initiatives.

Key Initiative #2:

We will proactively contribute to identifying the next set of priorities for the MHA CoE.

Key Initiative #3:

We will champion MHP organizations’ research endeavours for collective impact.

Key Initiative #4:

We will sponsor opportunities for knowledge exchange in the sector.

Improve the Forensic Mental Health Care System

We will reduce the stigma towards forensic psychiatric patients by leading and scaling interventions to support a person’s recovery and successful transition back into the community.

Key Initiative #1:

We will provide leadership to support improvements in forensic mental health care.

Key Initiative #2:

We will collaborate with the Forensic Directors Group.

Key Initiative #3:

We will build awareness of the forensic mental care health system.

System Transitions and Accountability

We will actively champion solutions to alleviate pressure on acute care hospitals and primary care to improve access to services and communicate our progress to our stakeholders.

Key Initiative #1:

We will promote solutions to alleviate pressure on acute care hospitals and improve access to care.

Key Initiative #2:

We will support primary care by expanding access to effective, timely interventions.

Key Initiative #3:

We will collaborate on mental health and addictions-specific guidance regarding Patient and Family Advisory Councils.

Knowledge Share and Drive Brand Awareness

We provide unique insights into the care of people with severe and persistent mental illness to support knowledge exchange in the sector.

Key Initiative #1:

We will develop a robust communication/social media strategy.

Key Initiative #2:

We will raise our profile among government partners.

To view our detailed Strategic Plan, click here.

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